#StayHome with Shonte Drakeford, MBC ANGEL Advocate
During this time of uncertainty with the current COVID-19 outbreak, we want to remind you that we at Tigerlily Foundation care about you and your families physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Our goal is to offer you information, virtually, that will help you better understand breast cancer, to know rights as a patient and to learn how to get more involved in using you time and voices to make an impact.
As a breast cancer patient, you are among those who are at high risk of serious illness from COVID-19 because your immune system may have been weakened by cancer and its treatments such as immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Further, as a metastatic breast cancer patient whose cancer has spread to the lungs, you can experience significant complications with COVID-19, as this will be an additional stress for your already vulnerable lung.
Another way the COVID-19 pandemic may impact you is that some hospitals and healthcare facilities are delaying or cancelling procedures that are not urgent, emergencies or life-threatening. As such, your cancer screening, surgery or treatment may be rescheduled or delayed. If this is happening to you, know that you are not alone. Speak with your healthcare team about the best way to proceed with your care in this challenging situation.
We are proud of our ANGEL Advocates who are leading through example as we mobilize nationally and globally to #StayHome. MBC ANGEL Advocate Shonte Drakeford took the time to share how she is moving through this COVID.
Here is what she is up to:

Doing virtual workouts with my trainer, cleaning the house, playing with my dogs, tackling tasks I need to complete, chatting with all my friends on Marco Polo app. Gardening about to build my grow beds, spending time with my chickens, eating!!! Walking outside because it’s getting warmer now, playing video games, binging TV shows, listening to music!! Maybe this weekend I’ll clean my car. Oh so many things.
I am a Nurse Practitioner so I am working but since I’m high risk I’m doing telemedicine, I have treatment in two weeks so we shall see how that goes.
All besides freaking out, I’m informed and sane. Can’t worry about things I cannot control…just like the Cancer I have. Still enjoying my life, just another modification to which how’s it done.
-MBC ANGEL Advocate Shonte Drakeford
We encourage our breast cancer community to #StayHome and to only go out for essentials, or if available have a caregiver help with buying groceries, picking up medicine and other essential goods.
Currently, there are no specific precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people with cancer or their caregivers. However, to avoid being exposed to the coronavirus, it is recommended that everyone:
· Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
· Stay home and practice social distancing.
· Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.